Saturday, June 12, 2021

KJELD HELM (Champion Studio Model)

 ! already blogged a model named KJELD HELM (use search engine to view), but I am not sure if this guy is a different model with the same name or if Walter K gave him the same name as his former model OR this is KJELD who came back to Champion to be photographed again a few years later. Other models of Walter's have come back over the years to be photographed again. Model DEAN AGAR comes to mind.


  1. My software matched this guy to a Kent Bjorn (by 'Them' studio) and I think it's correct.

  2. If you look, Kjeld Helm has some tattoos on his right forearm. This guy doesn't have them. The two guys do look very similar, though.

  3. Oh bugger! I see the tattoo could be on his left arm! In many photos, the image has been mirrored!
