Monday, January 11, 2021

JERRY SUTER (Athletic Model Guild and Old Reliable Model)

From In Touch magazine No 119 (October 1986)

With Bill Smith

In the last edition of Physique Pictorial (No. 41, 1990),  Bob Mizer (of AMG) said this about Jerry Suter:
"Jerry Suter was even worse!  He and another criminal robbed the proprietor of Old Reliable at gunpoint, tied him up, abused him, and carried off his equipment.  Suter subsequently went on an extensive crime spree which included robbing and being brutal to older people, and he is currently doing a 27 year term in a Nevada prison.
"Even though Jerry is a stunningly beautiful model, one notes in the solo videos especially that there is a pervasive adversarial if not a chilling acrimonial relation with the photographer."


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